I'm short on time so this post has to be unfortunately truncated. I have purposely avoided posting about the prop-8 subject because there is so much negativity. Why do people on both sides have to be so negative? Those that are pro-8 are usually against it for christian rights, shouldn't they be more...uh...christian? Those against it are usually for equality and anti-hate crimes, etc.. Shouldn't they be...uh...less hateful.
Those who are for prop-8 are not overzealous religious bigots. Those who are opposed to prop-8 are not spawn of the devil.
To scroll through the hate, it starts around picture 30.
Eugene England taught the simple gospel truth that in order for the violence to end, one side needs to step up and say they are sorry (even, and especially, they are in the right).
Most of the protesting that has been going on have been very peaceful. Those who have organized the protests specifically sought to make them peaceful. However, get any big group together and you're going to have troublemakers. A group of troublemakers just create more trouble. And of course the media is going to focus on the few troublemakers instead of the many peaceful protesters. Images of conflict, anger, and violence are just much more exciting than people simply holding signs or candles.
Regardless of whether or not we may think we are in the right as Latter-day Saints, I think it is of utter importance to reach out with love rather than react with more anger/hate. This is the time to try to understand just how hurt and angry so many of our brothers and sisters feel right now after they had something special and sacred taken away from them. To not condemn someone's actions does not mean we are condoning them. It is our duty as Christian Saints to not condemn those who are hurt and angry. It is not our job as Christian Saints to judge those who are mad. It is our job as Christian Saints to cry with those who are hurt and succor those who are angry.
A friend of mine who supported Prop 8 wrote up a beautiful letter on my new little site. You can read it here: http://forgivenessfor8.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-only-feel-sense-of-pause-and-desire.html.
Good point about the majority of protesting and campaigning was peaceful.
I just wish there could be some other way. Yes or No just doesn't cut it. We are dealing with peoples faith, beliefs, love, lives, and way of being. It just isn't clear cut either way. No matter what, my heart aches.
Those pictures make me so sad. Sad that people have been offended, hurt, and terrorized... on both sides!
After working as a LDS Democrat on Capitol Hill, I got a glimpse of the inner workings of liberal politics. I was shocked by the intolerance of those who proclaim themselves as tolerant. As a Dem, I was chastised, ridiculed, and personally attacked by my fellow Dems for my traditional moral stances, regardless of my feelings on economic and social program issues.
Ultimately, the hypocrisy caused me to leave. As a Republican, I found that my fellow Reps often disagree with many of my government program views (ie, environment, health care, taxes, spending, foreign involvement); but they always are respectful and never make it personal.
I have seen personally that those who proclaim themselves tolerant are often only tolerant of those that agree with them.
[I am posting this comment separately on purpose.]
I was touched by the press release the church put out after the Prop 8 win. Here is a quote of the significant parts.
We hope that now and in the future all parties involved in this issue will be well informed and act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different position. No one on any side of the question should be vilified, intimidated, harassed or subject to erroneous information.
It is important to understand that this issue for the Church has always been about the sacred and divine institution of marriage — a union between a man and a woman.
Allegations of bigotry or persecution made against the Church were and are simply wrong. The Church’s opposition to same-sex marriage neither constitutes nor condones any kind of hostility toward gays and lesbians. Even more, the Church does not object to rights for same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights, so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the traditional family or the constitutional rights of churches.
I thought this was really well written. I was also very relieved to see the church endorse giving same-sex couples access to some basic civil rights.
Also, be sure to read the Church's statement on the protests.
Thanks, Chuck. I always appreciate your comments.
When I read that statement from the church the day they put it out I thought, "This can be a great teaching moment."
We have made a noticeable stance. Now if we respond well to these instances of strong negativity (and it sounds like Saturday could bring more) then it will make a significant positive impression on those whose hearts are such that they are sincerely drawn to the good.
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